About the Book

The poems in this first collection were written over the course of more than twenty years. Most have been published, often repeatedly, and many have won awards for everything from haiku to prose poem, including two Pushcart nominations. Not only is there a broad range of style offered here but also a breadth of emotional tone and subject.

During the years I wrote these poems, I wrote many other things, and many kinds of other things, but I never stopped writing (and re-writing and re-writing) this collection. Getting this right – making it true, making it coherent and whole – this has been the work (and possibly obsession) of my adult lifetime.

That is why I am so pleased at last to be sharing EVEN BEFORE MY OWN NAME with readers. I am doing everything within my power to make the collection accessible and affordable. I hope you will read some or all of what is here and then return to the website to drop me a note with your thoughts. I can’t wait to hear from you!